Monday, March 29, 2010

Rainbow Ledge Field Trip

The trip to the Indian Wells Claim, Rainbow Ledge, was at the request of Stan from the Tehachapi club.  Since our illustrious field trip leader Karl Zellner was busy, I volunteered to lead it.  I had had some recent conversations with people wanting to know when if the club would allow a field trip prior to November's rock show.
   I drove the route quite early Saturday morning to make sure the road was still okay, figuring there might well be a couple of cars wanting to make the trip.  All was fine so I returned to the meeting place, the parking lot for the Inyokern Market, and set up a table for the sign in sheet and donation can.  The club asks for a $5 donation from each person who goes to the Claim to offset the fees we pay the BLM for it.
   I was disappointed to find out that several people drove right by the meeting place, despite my putting detailed directions and the store's address out there for people to use.  Hello, anyone heard of MapQuest?
   Despite some talk of a large group it ended up being not so large, around 30 people, and vehicles from tiny cars (jellybeans, as Stan called them) to a bright yellow Rubicon that I of course lusted after.  Everyone made it to the site, and several vehicles made it up the rough road to the top.  There were some stragglers, but Stan and I had planned for that - he stayed at the end and kept contact with me at the front on our cell phones.  It worked fine.
   I collected some great chunks of the orange and yellow jasp-agate with black dendrites, because that's been selling good.  Then I parked where I could watch the people on the top to make sure nobody did anything too stupid, and took alot of photos.  We ended up staying about 5 hours, tho some people did leave earlier.
   Everyone said they were happy with the material they got and had a good time, so that's good, and it's nice to bring a little money to the club.  We do have a mortgage to pay, ya know!

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